As part of Oliva's live Nativity scene, Amata set up 15 stands with mostly children's toys. The weather was sunny, the children could try out stilts, hoops and play traditional games.  There was a mobile bell tower, a puppet theatre and various workshops where children could make puppets, bread dough and clay bowls.  A small fair, but delightful.
Recent fairs
Ultimas ferias
Oliva Reyes
4, 5 y 6 de enero '08
Unos 15 puestos, principalmente para niños, acompañaron el Belén
 Viviente.  Bajo un sol caliente los niños jugaban, miraban el teatro de títeres, participaban en los talleres e incluso ¡tocaban las campanas!

Una feria pequeña pero
¡muy acogedora!
Oliva Three Kings
4, 5 & 6 January '08
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