A fair that was mainly just "the family" because there were not all that many visitors.  We don't know whether it was the cold, the need to pick olives this particular weekend or just a general lack of interest -  there had been plenty of publicity.  Our thanks to all participants for their steadfastness - they all stayed till Monday lunch time!
Recent fairs
Ultimas ferias
5 al 8 de diciembre 2014
Una feria que celebramos muy "en familia".  No sabemos cual era la causa principal de la escasa afluencia de público: la cosecha, el frío o la falta de interés en auténtica artesanía.  Por falta de publicidad no fue.  Gracias al optimismo y la buena voluntad de todos aguantamos hasta lunes a mediodía.
5 to 8 December 2014

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